Category: Projects and cooperation

Mitigating climate change transition risks of the construction sector through building capacity in sustainable building materials

About Goals Activities Results About Project acronym: Building Matters The project is in the Erasmus + 2022 program, with Agreement no. 2022-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000087398, and will be implemented during 24 months in the period 01.10.2022-30.09.2024. Partners from 6 countries are involved in the project, namely: Federația Generală a Sindicatelor FAMILIA, România Pedmede Somateio, Greece Gospodarska Zbornica Slovenije, […]

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Off-site industry towards innovation in construction sector – BuildOffsiteEU

About Goals Activities Results About Knowledge and skills management centre K&S Skopje is starting the realization of the project The project Off-site industry towards innovation in construction sector – BuildOffsiteEU is a part of Erasmus+ 2022 Programme, with Grant Agreement No. 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000087862, and will be implemented during 24 months starting from 30.12.2022 to 29.12.2024. The […]

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Easing Transfer of Digital project results to VET

About Goals Activities Results About EasTDVET Easing Transfer of Digital project results to VET The project is in the Erasmus + 2023 program, financed by: The National Agency for European Educational Programs of Germany in the ERASMUS + program, under grant agreement no. 2023-1-DE02-KA210-VET-000150609, and will be implemented during 10 months in the period 01.09.2023-30.06.2024.Project […]

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