Methodology for the process of recognition of prior knowledge and skills

Within the Knowledge and Skills Management Center, a Methodology for the process of recognition of prior knowledge and skills has been developed and implemented as a tool for evaluating informal and nonformally acquired knowledge in a wide multidisciplinary range of professions and occupations.
The methodology is a guide through the process of validating non-formal and informal learning and is intended for: assessors, candidates and potential candidates, employers and accredited training providers.
The methodology is an additional learning material in the training of certified assessors (evaluators), in order to familiarize them with key aspects of quality assessment practice, including the principles of assessment and the application of a wide range of assessment methods. It should help assessors to organize and implement an applicable process of validating knowledge and skills acquired in non-formal and informal education and provide support to employers and candidates by providing good information and familiarity with the entire validation procedure.