Benefits of recognition of prior knowledge and skills

Benefits for individuals
RPL can be used by a wide range of people either to help them re-enter learning or to contribute towards a programme of learning. Through RPL it may be possible to make a claim for Credit Points in the formal E&T system which can reduce the amount of time needed to achieve the required learning programme or qualifcation. Those who might beneft include:
-people who have been out of the education system for a long time and/or who may lack formal qualifcations
-adults returning to education
-unemployed people looking for a way to demonstrate their learning to prospective employers
-people wanting to improve upon existing qualifcations
-those wanting to re-train or change careers
-students at colleges, higher education institutions (HEIs) and other learning and training providers
-people who have taken non-formal learning or training in the workplace or through community-based learning
-people who have gained a range of skills and knowledge through volunteering or through activities or projects
-school students who have been involved in extra-curricular activities.
People wishing to claim RPL may not have a strong academic education – but they do need to be keen to learn from and about their own experiences and about themselves. It is important to stress that recognition is given for what has been learned from experience and not for the experience itself.
RPL can be used where learners can demonstrate that through their experience, they have already gained the relevant knowledge and skills required for particular units of a learning programme or qualifcation or for a particular job role.
RPL reinforces the concept of lifelong learning as it helps individuals to:
-Think about the learning they havealready achieved and plan how to build on this learning to meet their personal and career goals
-Get a place on a programme at a college or university or learning and training provider, if they don’t have the normal entry qualifcations but can show that they have the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding
-Gain credit towards a qualifcation to shorten the normal period of learning by evidencing that they already have the knowledge, skills and understanding needed for particular parts of the programme or qualifcation (e.g. units or modules)
-Increase their self esteem by recognising their achievements in learning
-Plan their career development and educational path
-Identify areas of competence and areas requiring further study.

RPL can help people to consider their options and make decisions about the direction they want to take. The experience of using RPL benefts learners in the following ways:
-Learners will have the opportunity to refect on what they have achieved so far through their experiences in terms of their learning and skills
-Learners will think about their goals and what they need to do in order to achieve them: e.g. do a training course, pursue a vocational award, join an educational programme at college or university or other learning and training provider, apply for, or change, jobs
-It also helps to build confdence – it enables learners to identify the learning they have gained through experience, recognise their strengths and value their achievements. This can motivate a learner to continue learning.
Benefits for learning and training providers
RPL benefts learning and training providers in a range of ways as it can:
-Enable greater retention of learners
-Widen access to a range of learners
-Increase participation of learners from non-traditional learning backgrounds.

Benefits for employers
RPL can support employers by:
-Helping to identify employees’ skills effectively
-Helping to identify skills gaps in organisations
-Helping to identify appropriate training oportunities
-Reducing the time required in employee training due to minimised duplication of learning
-Increasing motivation and interest in workplace activities on the part of the employee/learner
-Generating new ideas and developments for the organisation as a result of the employee/learner refecting on work activities.
As a result, employers may fnd that RPL can lead to increased employee retention and reduced recruitment and training costs.