The Knowledge and Skills Management Centre – Skopje is a voluntary, non-profit, nongovernmental, non-party association of citizens established with free association of the citizens in order to realize, protect and harmonize their interests and beliefs about the promotion of education of elderly and to perform activities for supporting informal acquisition of knowledge and skills via programs on the territory of Macedonia and beyond in accordance with the Constitution and with the legislation. The Knowledge and Skills Management Centre – Skopje is a equitable member of the Association of Engineering Societies ENGINEERING INSTITUTION OF MACEDONIA


The vision of the Knowledge and Skills Management Centre is to be established as a platform in the education system for elderly that promotes new or upgraded knowledge and skills of qualified workforce, enabling continuous professional development with an application of modern and innovative learning tools.


The mission of the Knowledge and Skills Management Centre is to realize educational programs for elderly that will provide upgrade of the professional qualifications of users both in the business and nongovernmental sector, educational and public institutions, the employment prospects and social cohesion in the direction of increasing the competitiveness of the national economy for sustainable growth and development.

Basic objectives

The basic objectives and tasks of the Knowledge and Skills Management Centre are the following:

  • connecting the professional education for elderly with the needs of the labor market,
  • upgrading the professional qualifications of the beneficiaries by strengthening their employment and competitiveness prospects,
  • using modern and innovative learning tools and knowledge and skills management tools,
  • implementation of a multidisciplinary approach to the knowledge and skills management,
  • recognizing the previous knowledge and skills for acquiring qualifications at a higher level,
  • recognizing the skills of the beneficiaries by relating them to the National Qualification Framework and accepting them by the labour market,
  • support of the demand for qualified workforce and increase of its market value.

The “KS” logo is made up of the two initials of the English words “Knowledge” which means knowledge and “skills” which means skills.
The main idea of ​​logo design is to highlight these two words as key marks of the Knowledge and Skills Management Center. At the same time, emphasis is placed on the goal of the Knowledge and Skills Management Center.
The logo is made up of two shades of blue, which according to the color psychology of the design they symbolize the confidence, loyalty and wisdom that are characteristics of a knowledge and skill management center.
Mostly dark blue is associated with the depth, expertise and stability that need to be achieved, and light blue is associated with the consciousness, intellect and success that are the hallmark of this center.
The sharp shapes and clear lines of the logo provide stability and security in order to arouse interest by the observer.
The elements that make up the logo are interconnected both in color and form in one whole and are intended to cause observer recognition and attention.

The Assembly is the highest organ of the Knowledge and Skills Management Center.
The Assembly of the Knowledge and Skills Management Center is composed of all members of the association of the age 18 and above. The Assembly adopts the decisions with a majority vote of the members of the Assembly. The Assembly elects a President with a term of office of four years with the right to re-election.

The bodies of the Knowledge and Skills Management Center are as follows:

  • President,
  • Secretary General,
  • Management Board,
  • Supervisory Board.

prof. Hristina Spasevska, PhD


Faculty of electrical engineering and information technologies, UKIM, Skopje

prof. Lihnida Stojanovska-Georgievska, PhD

Secretary General

Faculty of electrical engineering and information technologies, UKIM, Skopje